Book your Taxi or VTC

Over the phone or online in a few seconds.
06 85 35 82 82 BOOK ONLINE

Rservation Form

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Frequently asked questions

What are your rates ?

Depending on the route, the fare can be regulated, contracted, or free. Contact us by phone or online with the form to be filled in less than a minute, and we will tell you the rate to expect.

When are we supossed to pay?

You pay in the vehicle when we drop you off at your destination. You can pay by credit card or in cash.

Do you take care of people with reduced mobility?

Our vehicles are suitable for transporting people who have a folding wheelchair and can get on board by themselves.

I am elderly, can you come with me ?

Yes, of course. Our main driver has been an ambulance driver for many years; he is used to accompanying people to the reception of their care center or their appointment.

Copyright 2023 Grand Chambéry Taxi